
iGoogle Portal -- Never Say Never Again

The folks at Google did what they told at the beginning they would never do - they created a portal. This is the new Google personalized page. It looks pretty nice actually, similar to the Google customized news which I use daily.

It is funny because Google was so anti-clutter, anti-portal and anti-registration when they started in 1998. And look where they are now. Never say never again. There is a famous Woody Allen quote: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans". By the way, you can integrate daily quotes in your Google page.

Now we are waiting for the RSS integration in 1-2 months, and all the medical and other news feeds can be put there (similar to Bloglines). Kevin MD is a must read, and this blog RSS is not that bad either.

BMJ is already on the RSS bandwagon, it is time for the NEJM, AMA, Annals of Int Med and Lancet (the big five) to jump on.

To use the personalized page, you need a Google account which is free or a Gmail account (free after invitation). Gmail is great and if you do not have an invitation yet, go to and get one.

In summary, there are the three things I suggest you try (if not using them already):

-Google personalized page - Gmail, weather, driving directions, news

-Google customized news - just the news you want to read, make your own categories, e.g. Cleveland, residency, Florida, PDA, etc.

-Findory - this webpage actually learns what you are interested in (the more you use it) and gives these stories to you

Check them out, these services are so useful you will be glad you did.

Update 3/2/2006:
In a world with infinite storage, bandwidth, and CPU power. Geeking with Greg.

Updated 9/30/2007:
Findory shuts down on November 1, 2007. Geeking with Greg.

How to use iGoogle

iGoogle, a More Profitable Google Homepage. Google Operating System, 05/2008.

Updated: 05/02/2008

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