
In the Medical Journals

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usPeritoneal dialysis better than HD in ESRD?

Mortality in people with ESRD was dependent on the method of dialysis in this study. Read more in Short cuts - What's new in the other general journals by BMJ.

Comparing the Risk for Death with Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis in a National Cohort of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease - Annals of Int Med

Medical Residents are Having Trouble Reading EKGs

MDRedux has an interesting comment on this study. Our small contribution to educating the residents is the mnemonic A RARE PQRST --> DR. IIEE. It can be used to remember the systematic approach when reading an EKG.

Competency in electrocardiogram interpretation among internal medicine and emergency medicine residents - AM J of Med

Interview Advice from BMJ Careers 8/05

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. There are many studies comparing HD to PD. The biggest problem is that almost none of them are randomized, and therefore it's difficult to draw any firm conclusions. I usually just have patients decide based on preference, which is often a choice of lifestyle.

    Addendum, now that I've had a chance to fully read the paper: There are now a few studies which suggest that PD may have a higher risk of mortality than HD, so it should probably become standard practice that patient's be notified of this possible increased risk, as the article suggests.
