Another blogger quits due to "blog fatigue"

Russell Beattie writes that blogging has become too much of a burden and he decided to give himself a break and probably to start later at a new URL:

"For the rest of my readers, thanks for subscribing it's been great having you there to write for! Now please *unsubscribe* and give my poor server a break. :-)"

"Blog fatigue" seems to be a common phenomenon among veteran bloggers.

The RSS inventor and blog pioneer Dave Winer also wrote that he plans to stop blogging to free up time and become less of a public figure:

"I want some privacy, I want to matter less, so I can retool, and matter more, in different ways."

Jacob of Family Medicine Notes (started in 1999) also ponders quitting his blog:

"...blogging has matured, and so has medical blogging. Back in 1999 and 2000, there were a handful of medical bloggers (literally!) and we all had a bit of a role in educating each other and the world about what is is that physicians do, think, read, etc. This was - from my view - a primary purpose of medical blogging: to enhance the transparency of our profession.

But there's lots of that now. Hundreds (thousands?) of medical bloggers are posting daily and - frankly - I don't think the Internet needs me anymore..."

There is no sign that Kevin, M.D. will be stopping any time soon though... :-) I am just filling in for him on his blog for a little while.

Update 10/01/2007:
Russell Beattie is back in business, blogging again, because he "can't shut up" -- his new tag line.

TechMeme list heralds death of blogging?, 10/2007.
Celebrating seven years of blogging. Scobleizer, 12/2007.
Image source:

Updated: 12/23/2007

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