BBC Search Adds Audio & Video

BBC award-winning website is one of the largest in the world and the challenge is to find what you want in this huge pile of information. They just launched a new search system which looks promising. The most useful addition seems to be the direct links to audio & visual content in the right sidebar. I wish Google provided something similar. This is a sample search for pneumonia on BBC.

Time-shift Your Favorite Programs

I have always enjoyed listening to BBC, especially since they launched their Listen Again page which allows me to choose when to listen to the programs I select. Time-shifting is the key to turning busy people into listeners and NPR knows it better than most -- NPR podcasting directory is one of the most comprehensive in the industry. See the section for Health & Science podcasts.

BBC revamps website search system. BBC.
Text-to-Speech Programs and Continuous Medical Education
Image source:, public domain.