The new podcasts are available at clevelandclinic.org/podcast:
"Cleveland Clinic podcasts offer breaking news from the cutting edge of medicine, in-depth information on diseases and treatments, and moving real-life stories. Each podcast is 3-4 minutes. Download them for yourself, your family or friends."
As you can see the programs pretty much follow the headlines of the day but they also offer the opinion of the Cleveland Clinic experts who explain the real issues behind the news chatter:
Is Your mp3 player making you deaf?
Fungal Eye Infections: How to Prevent and When to Worry
Reversing Coronary Artery Disease
Bariatric Surgery: It Can Change Your Life
You can see/view programs directly from the website or subscribe to receive updates in your favorite RSS/podcast player. Videocasts are also available on Google Video.
Image source: Cleveland Clinic