An Optician Needs Anger Management

An enraged optician, investigated for fraud, spits on a 75-year-old reporter from CityNews, Toronto, Canada, then throws snowballs.

Direct link to the full-lenght CNN video. Another YouTube video.

The American Psychological Association's page Controlling Anger -- Before It Controls You would be very helpful to this particular optician in the future. It is the number one hit on Google for "anger management" for a reason.

Teacher caught yelling at kids. CNN Video, 02/2008.

Updated: 02/27/2008


  1. Although the APA provides a great deal of information on the subject of anger management. They themselves do not provide coaching for the issue. The following link is an excellent resource for executive coaching for law enforcement, physicians and high profile individuals who are having anger management issues.

  2. Passive-Aggressive anger is one of the more destructive interpersonal styles. It is a behavior characterized by the phrase, “You can’t make me!” The statement is undeniably true. We can hurt people; we can threaten them, or lock them up. But we cannot make people perform.

  3. I suppose everyone has their breaking or snapping points really.
