A 50 yo male with type 2 diabetes mellitus was admitted with complaints of dysuria and non-specific abdominal pain for 1 week, accompanied by malaise followed by fevers and chills.
Figure 1. Computed tomography scan of the pelvis: The seminal vesicles are enlarged and demonstrate fluid attenuation internally. The right seminal vesicle measures approximately 3 cm in size. This fluid attenuation extends into the prostate, which is also heterogeneous and mildly enlarged. There are surrounding inflammatory changes of the perivesical fat. The urinary bladder shows minimal thickening of the wall. Delayed images show no obvious intraluminal abnormalities with further opacification of the urinary bladder.
Figure 2. Trans-esophageal echocardiogram: a vegetation in the anterior leaflet of mitral valve; doppler shows no significant mitral valve regurgitation.
Read more in Staphylococcus Aureus Prostatic Abscess Complicated By Infective Endocarditis at Clinical Cases and Images.
The author of this clinical case is Moises Auron, M.D. from the Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic.
Figure 1. Computed tomography scan of the pelvis: The seminal vesicles are enlarged and demonstrate fluid attenuation internally. The right seminal vesicle measures approximately 3 cm in size. This fluid attenuation extends into the prostate, which is also heterogeneous and mildly enlarged. There are surrounding inflammatory changes of the perivesical fat. The urinary bladder shows minimal thickening of the wall. Delayed images show no obvious intraluminal abnormalities with further opacification of the urinary bladder.
Figure 2. Trans-esophageal echocardiogram: a vegetation in the anterior leaflet of mitral valve; doppler shows no significant mitral valve regurgitation.
Read more in Staphylococcus Aureus Prostatic Abscess Complicated By Infective Endocarditis at Clinical Cases and Images.
The author of this clinical case is Moises Auron, M.D. from the Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic.