Reuters features a post from this blog: Angioedema - a 24-hour photo diary by a patient posted on Flickr features my blog post: Angioedema - a 24-hour photo diary by a patient posted on Flickr.

They used BlogBurst RSS-based Blog Syndication Network for Online Media to re-publish the post from Clinical Cases and Images - Blog.

I was not asked for permission to use the post but since it is based on Flickr (Creative Commons license) and Wikipedia (public domain), I am not inclined to make a big deal about it.

Several media outlets and journals mentioned the blog and in the last 2 weeks alone: The Los Angeles Times, Reuters, Journal of General Internal Medicine and Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Previously, the project was featured and referenced in BMJ (3 times), Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, sBMJ, eMAJ, Clinical Infectious Diseases, BMC Education, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Nursing Education Perspectives, Baylor College of Medicine Web Digest and Medscape (2 times). It also mentioned by the The Los Angeles Times. The project was presented at multiple national and international scientific meetings.