Clinical Case: Pituitary adenoma in a patient with systemic sarcoidosis

A 68 year-old female with a past medical history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, remotely treated breast cancer and sarcoidosis presented with a 4-day history of rapidly progressive right frontal and periorbital headache, associated with right ptosis, diplopia and unsteady gait.

What is the reason for her symptoms?

Brain MRI with gadolinium: right parasellar mass extending into the cavernous sinus and Meckel’s cave without meningeal enhancement.

Brain MRA: anterior and inferior displacement of the right carotid artery (intracavernous portion).

Read more in Unsuspected Diagnosis Of Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenoma In A Patient With Multiorgan Involvement Sarcoidosis from Clinical Cases and Images.

The author of this clinical case is Moises Auron, M.D., a Staff Physician at the Department of Hospital Medicine at Cleveland Clinic.