Selection of My Twitter Favorites, Edition 1

Twitter is a microblogging service where people answer the question "What are you doing?" via 140-character messages from their cellphone, laptop or desktop. You can select the messages you find useful, amusing, or both. Here is the first edition of My Twitter Favorites:

Bertalan Meskó Berci #smit2008: I wish I had a voice recorder or something...not a single word I understand..
Bertalan Meskó Berci #smit2008: It must be my fault but I cannot understand a word from a Japanese speaker who is talking in English...
Joshua Schwimmer KidneyNotes Quote of the day: "My legs have become more swollen ever since I stopped standing on my head."
ruraldoctoring ruraldoctoring I love receiving my energy bill, ever since I solarized my house. Love seeing a credit instead of balance owed.
ruraldoctoring ruraldoctoring Sitting in ortho waiting room with friend. Just witnessed a massive hot lunch being delivered, followed by arrival of prosthesis rep.
Paul Kedrosky pkedrosky i live in a socal beach town and am among the least beach-going people i know. used to live in canada and play minimal hockey too. hmmm.
Paul Kedrosky pkedrosky summer winding down. kids back to school shortly. never thought i'd say this, but ... but wish they were home longer.
Vijay scanman Ok. I think it's time I started showing signs of life at home. Sitting in front of the laptop IS NOT a sign of life as per the wife.
Biz Stone biz A recruiter just called me and said, "I understand you used to work at Twitter..." Do they know something I don't?
Evan Williams ev Don't like that everyone's look the same, thanks to faceyourmanga. My own avatar, on the other hand, is freaking me out.
Chris Seper chrisseper Asked a colleague why is wife removed her "married" sttaus from her Facebook profile. He was unaware.
Dave Winer davewiner [FriendFeed]: Nebraska man who once weighed 1,072 pounds trying to keep things light during hard times
Paul Stamatiou Stammy found the culprit to all of my plumbing problems. last guy put a pressure reducing valve in backwards!

This CommonCraft video explains what a microblogging platform is by using Twitter as an example.

A Doctor's Opinion: Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter