Pulmonary Function Tests Mini-Lectures on YouTube

O2Demand only joined YouTube in March 2008 but that did not stop him from recording and uploading 62 mini-lectures discussing topics from different specialties:

CNS Physiology
CVS Physiology
Resp Physiology
Hepatic Physiology
Renal Physiology
Acute Heart Failure
Pharmacology Videos

He uses an unconventional low-tech approach - pointing to lists and diagrams from his own hand-written notes.

The 3 Pulmonary Function Tests videos are embedded below:

Pulmonary Function Test 1/3

Pulmonary Function Test 2/3

Pulmonary Function Test 3/3

I have written about physicians using YouTube for medical education before:

Case Presentations on YouTube

Echocardiograms and Cases on YouTube

544 Histopathology Videos on YouTube

We even did an assessment of the perception of usefulness of the renal histopathology video by the Cleveland Clinic nephrology fellows -- they felt the videos offered variety and educational value.