Twitter is a microblogging service where people answer the question "What are you doing?" via 140-character messages from their cellphone, laptop or desktop. Healthcare professionals use the service for all sorts of interesting discussions and one example is shown below:
Do you use Twitter as RSS reader? Has the RSS adoption already peaked? Will you switch from Google Reader to Twitter? Is RSS too complicated to be adopted by physicians?
The oldest post is at the bottom, the newest at the top:
"Rest in Peace, RSS" by Steve Gillmor who uses Twitter instead, 2009.
Updated: 05/05/2009
Do you use Twitter as RSS reader? Has the RSS adoption already peaked? Will you switch from Google Reader to Twitter? Is RSS too complicated to be adopted by physicians?
The oldest post is at the bottom, the newest at the top:
ruraldoctoring @kevinmd I believe you when you say RSS too imposing for some docs. That's why I think implementing EMR is going to be an uphill battle. | | |
scanman Important to remember: RSS is provider-independent whereas twitter IS A private company w/ all the potential to become the next MS/Google | | |
kevinmd @ruraldoctoring "Poach tweet archive for blog fodder." I'd say I get 10-20% of my links and blog topics from Twitter now. That's way up. | | |
kevinmd @ruraldoctoring RSS docs not representative of the majority of MDs. Many find RSS imposing. Twitter = easier to adopt for tech-phobic MDs. | | |
ruraldoctoring @scanman I'm just eavesdropping. This convo is too Web 2.0 for me. I'm still on Web 1.69. | | |
scanman Enjoying the twitter vs RSS conversation b/w Ves, Kevin, Carlos, Mike, Tim, Walter, Cerro & Theresa. | |
scanman I'm beginning to think of twitter as a personal news aggregator. But it isn't likely to replace my feed reader | | |
ruraldoctoring I've never considered RSS as too complicated to grasp. Simplifying my collection of feeds is an ongoing headache. | | |
ruraldoctoring @scanman Twitter is still pretty idle for me, but never a time waster. I learn a lot on Twitter, mostly about tech that costs me $$$$$. |
sandnsurf Twitter has introduced me to new concepts, new people and new ideals - even in just a very short space of time. Chat yes, but not undirected | | |
scanman @ruraldoctoring I used to think of twitter as idle chatter & time waste. Not so anymore. |
ruraldoctoring <--Lacking sophistication, I still think of Twitter as innocent chat. | | |
sandnsurf RSS feed adoption peaking, or peaked? | | |
sandnsurf @kevinmd like the 'adoption' for the masses thoughts. Technophobic docs not using RSS - more likely to use or twitter |
kevinmd @sandnsurf @AllergyNotes The noise factor is noted. Delicate balance, as you can expose your content here to those that may not read RSS. | | |
sandnsurf @AllergyNotes @kevinmd Agree with the twitter comments from you guys. Much rather post a comment here than on a blog |
AllergyNotes One can use Twitter to mine for information. See an example here: | | |
AllergyNotes People who would not take the time to comment on a blog post, reply on Twitter. It's quicker, simpler, more engaging and a huge time waster. | | |
AllergyNotes People who would not take the time to write a blog, post on Twitter. | | |
AllergyNotes Twitter is interesting because of its social interaction layer and "personal touch." More spontaneous also. | | |
AllergyNotes If a Twitter feed becomes noisy (many links/posts, etc), I unsubscribe. May move the same feed to Google Reader rather than reading it here. | | |
AllergyNotes @kevinmd Re: "I think Twitter is an easier adoption for the masses than RSS." I agree. | | |
kevinmd @allergynotes Key word is "potential". I think Twitter is an easier adoption for the masses than RSS. Just my 2 cents. | | |
AllergyNotes @kevinmd Re: "Twitter has the potential to replace RSS" My Google Reader has 600 feeds, many of them with multiple posts per day.... | | |
kevinmd @AllergyNotes I'm following a small, but growing, percentage of blogs through their Twitter feeds. Agree with, point 5. | | |
kevinmd @AllergyNotes "Trying not use Twitter as RSS reader." Going to disagree with you there. Twitter has the potential to replace RSS. | | |
AllergyNotes @kevinmd Re: "I started following most of them" I already follow too many people (42). Trying not use Twitter as RSS reader... :-) | |
"Rest in Peace, RSS" by Steve Gillmor who uses Twitter instead, 2009.
Updated: 05/05/2009