In 2006, Dr. Charles linked to the wonderful editorial response to a letter of a 8-year old girl who doubted that Santa Claus existed. It was published in the New York Sun in 1897. Not much has changed since then. Apart from the fact that Dr. Charles' blog is no longer active, of course.
From Twitter:
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.
Dear Editor--
I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
From Twitter:
lancearmstrong Kids and I emailed Santa ( and got a response. So cool! |
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.