Describe what Twitter means for you in 140 characters

Dave Winer, the creator of RSS describes what Twitter means for him in 126 characters:

Dave Winer
davewiner Twitter is my shared notepad. If I want to remember something and I don't mind if everyone else knows it, I just post it here.

Dave Winer
davewiner More and more I use Twitter as if it were

I agree.

Ed Bennett
EdBennett @markhawker Thanks. I like Twitter, but get nervous investing time and attention on a platform that feels fragile.

James Booth
jsebooth just overhauled my twitter account. i scrapped the idea of using twitter for RSS feeds. Twitter now for humans. Google Reader for RSS.

om twitter is like blogging. that is why everyone likes to twitter and blog about twitter itself. Sometimes, a tweet is just that a tweet!

Bertalan Meskó
Berci My brother-in-law told me Twitterers are absolutely not normal to be on Twitter on Christmas night... :) I said it's called commitment

DrCris @AllergyNotes If you follow more people you start to see twitter as a party conversation - if you are there, you are there. If not, fine.

Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes Twitter: "I know that there is always a friend, at any time, which has the answer I am looking for about anything"

Heidi Allen
dreamingspires I agree w @allergynotes using Twitter just 2 push blogs is not what it's about, bt sharing quality info in context of yr relevant group is

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