Patients forget 50% of what their doctor says by the next day - how to improve this?

A Twitter discussion:
  1. joemdjoemd Patient life: Take notes when you see your physician. Patients routinely forget 50% of what their MD says by the next day. from web
  2. AnneMarie Cunninghamamcunningham @AllergyNotes @joemd maybe the physician should give you the notes and check you understand them from TweetDeck in reply to AllergyNotes
  3. Ves Dimov, M.D.AllergyNotes @amcunningham @joemd Any studies on providing the patient with the actual physician note from the EMR? Too confusing? from TweetDeck
  4. vpmedicalvpmedical RT @amcunningham: @AllergyNotes @joemd My PCP dictates in front of me to allow another opportunity to hear dx & tx plan from TweetDeck
  5. Ves Dimov, M.D.AllergyNotes RT "My PCP dictates in front of me to allow another opportunity to hear dx & tx plan" - Good idea. @vpmedical @amcunningham @joemd from TweetDeck

A review of the use of EMR for patients to access their medical records revealed that patients' access to medical records can be beneficial for both patients and doctors, since it enhances communication between them whilst helping patients to better understand their health condition.

The drawbacks (for instance causing confusion and anxiety to patients) seem to be minimal.

However, patients continue to show concerns about confidentiality and understanding what is written in their records.

The studies showed that the use of EMR can bring several advantages in terms of security solutions as well as improving the correctness and completeness of the patient records.

Advice for Patients: Make a Checklist Before You See the Doctor
Why facilitate patient access to medical records. Ferreira A, Correia A, Silva A, Corte A, Pinto A, Saavedra A, Pereira AL, Pereira AF, Cruz-Correia R, Antunes LF. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2007;127:77-90.
5 tips for getting what you need from your doctor. Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent. December 24, 2009.

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Updated: 12/26/2009

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