Twitter is a microblogging service where people answer the question "What are you doing?" via 140-character messages from their cellphone, laptop or desktop. You can select the messages (called "tweets") that you find useful, amusing, or both. Here is the 43rd edition of My Twitter Favorites (the oldest post is at the bottom, the newest at the top): Micro-blogging on Twitter is easy, fun and can be very useful and educational if you follow/subscribe to interesting people.
You can read more here: A Doctor's Opinion: Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter and
visit my account at Twitter/AllergyNotes.
You can read more here: A Doctor's Opinion: Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter and
visit my account at Twitter/AllergyNotes.
- schroncd Sports fans are skeptical about A-Rod's excuses at his newsconference. If I want to watch a millionaire lying to me, I can always watch CNBC
- medicalstudent Whoever put into Google "feel completely lost medical student" & found my site, if you're out there, get in contact! There's help available
- kanderson Even after a long winter, a light snow is still pretty.
- AllergyNotes Video: 100 days, 100 songs, 100 locations, 100 dances, by a graduate student at Yale -- Not for the faint-hearted.
- hjluks Saw 4 patients today who want to "rush" surgery due to Cobra and no job prospects. Strange and sad.
- joemd MD Life: I saw a demented woman today. "Any children?" I asked. "No," she said. She has a daughter. What a loss for both.
- hjluks Do patient expectations(from surgery) vary by generation? Is *perfection* the next "standard of care"?
- AccordionGuy @gapingvoid: Q: What's the difference between a large pizza and a social media specialist? A: A large pizza can feed a family of four.
- AllergyNotes RT @steverubel: Great advice from @garyvee about taking criticism -- "Don't listen to anyone, listen to everyone "
- Berci The Doctor as the Second Opinion and the Internet as the First
- loic Video shows how you really are and most of you are scared about that. You should not.
- rldugan "Success is like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired - You quit when the gorilla is tired." Robert Strauss
- AllergyNotes Glad to see that now my blog is #1 Google search result for "wine allergy" before a website called "Nobody Knows Anything"
- steverubel Lance Armstrong's tweets are also quoted in the press
- Pogue Landed in Chicago, taxiing. Pilot says, "Look out the left side of the aircraft"--there was AIR FORCE ONE!! Cool! My kids loved it. Me 2.
- zappos Be Humble: “In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few.” - Shunryu Suzuki
- chrisseper
Wife: "You're too conservative. I'm the wild one." It's the glasses, isn't it?
- schroncd TX Dept of Health is recalling products from peanut plant after finding dead rats. The rats families are also filing a $150 million lawsuit