TED Updates on Twitter

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an annual conference that defines its mission as "ideas worth spreading". The lectures, also called TED Talks, cover a broad set of topics. There is an annual membership fee of $6,000, which includes attendance of the conference, club mailings, networking tools and conference DVDs.

Some TED updates from yesterday were posted on Twitter in real time by the attendees:

  1. Pierre Omidyarpierre Tim Berners-Lee's boss' reaction to his original HTTP memo: "vague, but exciting." #TED
  2. Tim O'Reillytimoreilly Ray Anderson at #TED: "The new civilization = more happiness with less stuff." Totally agree.
  3. Loic Le Meurloic getting more and more scared listening to Al Gore. Every year Al Gore gets more scary.
  4. Loic Le Meurloic I remember when I first live tweeted TED two years ago my followers were all complaining as they were all getting SMS, not anymore #ted
  5. Loic Le Meurloic Bill Gates released mosquitoes at #TED we're all leaving the room and getting sick
  6. Loic Le Meurloic For anything in life you can chose between Resignation, anger or possibilities. Conducting and optimism is the way to go #ted
Approximately 370 TED talks are provided for free viewing online. As of January 2009, talks were viewed over 90 million times by more than 15 million people.

Loïc Le Meur: TED 2009 Bag: What's inside?

TED (conference), from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.