Health News of the Day

Health News of the Day is a daily summary made from the selected links I post on Twitter. It is in a bullet points format with links to the original sources which include 350 RSS feeds that produce about 2,500 items per day.

  • Children as young as 9 years of age can learn and do CPR and use AEDs. School systems should include a 4th 'R' - resuscitation," to the traditional 3R's of reading, writing, and arithmetic

  • Children recovering from a broken arm should get ibuprofen to treat their pain, not codeine-laced acetaminophen. Ibuprofen preferable to acetaminophen with codeine for outpatient treatment of children with arm fractures

  • North America has about a million heroin addicts. Treating heroin addiction with... heroin may work better than oral methadone for keeping addicted in treatment programs

  • U.S. life expectancy is the highest it has ever been at 77.9 years. Life expectancy for babies born in Japan and Singapore has reached 82, France 80.9, Sweden, Italy, Australia, Canada 80. AIDS-ravaged Zimbabwe has an average life expectancy of only 39.7.

  • A bad night’s sleep was one of the top two factors that upset people’s daily moods and -- "Getting one extra hour of sleep each night would do more for your happiness than getting a $60,000 raise"

  • The Daughter Deficit: what happens where parents have a fervent preference for male offspring

  • When Parents Scream Against Ice Cream: Some parents can’t stand the the ice cream man

Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. The inclusion of a Twitter update (tweet) is not an endorsement or agreement of any kind. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.

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