Health News of the Day

Health News of the Day is a daily summary made from the selected links I post on Twitter. It is in a bullet points format with links to the original sources which include 350 RSS feeds that produce about 2,500 items per day:

Cell: Should scientists be tweeting? - Yes, of course they should be.

Graph: the more time people spend eating, the lower the rate of obesity

Doctor practices lose financial ground as recession outpaces productivity. Urologist: "We're working 12-13-hour days, and we get told we should work more and see more patients. We cannot". The number of patients seen dropped 11.3% and outpatient procedures dropped 9.9% in 2008.

Glatiramer is efficacious in delaying conversion to multiple sclerosis in clinically isolated syndrome/MRI lesions

Reliance on self reported smoking status underestimated true smoking by 25%

Over the past 30 years mortality from liver disease has increased 6 times in the UK, rising 8–10% a year

Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.

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