Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Alternatives to Pills

From the NYTimes:

30 million men in U.S. experience erectile dysfunction (ED), 30% of men in their 50s, more than 50% of those in their 60s.

One Viagra pill, the most common way to treat erection problems, costs about $15. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra do not work for about half of the men with ED.

After 2 years of significant lifestyle changes (and no meds), 58% of the men with ED had normal erectile function.

Self-administered injections of alprostadil for ED cost $35; a "cocktail" of alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine.


For Common Male Problem, Hope Beyond a Pill. NYTimes.
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Men who use ED drugs have higher rates of STDs, particularly HIV infection - Ann Intern Med
ED, Depression, Heart Disease: Does the Existence of One Component of This Triad Necessitate Inquiring the Other Two?
Image source: Viagra (sildenafil), Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.