Health News of the Day

Health News of the Day is a daily summary made from the selected links I post on Twitter. It is in a bullet points format with links to the original sources which include 350 RSS feeds that produce about 2,500 items per day:

Extended-release niacin causes a regression of carotid intima–media thickness when combined with a statin

Novel Antibody Against PBP Peptide Was Associated with 94% of Patients with Autoimmune Pancreatitis

Can we prevent diabetes type 1? Rituximab partially preserved beta-cell function in type 1 diabetes mellitus

New supersensitive troponin T correlated with risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure but not with MI

Walking away or letting things pass may be an unhealthy way to deal with unfair treatment on the job, research shows. Men who used "covert" coping strategies were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack or die from heart disease

Exercise simultaneously makes people hungrier, yet more readily satisfied by a meal

An internist in Miami pays $50k a year more for liability insurance than an internist in Minnesota. A general surgeon in FL pays $180K more for liability insurance than one in MN - That's one internist's salary...

Physicians with names unique to medicine have a good sense of humor about the whole thing

Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.

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