Memorable Quotes from Twitter

Memorable quotes and useful links from my Twitter account:

  1. Leo Laporteleolaporte 
    Happy Winter Solstice today. Pessimist: it's the longest night of the year. Optimist: today the days start getting longer.from web

  2. Roni Zeigerrzeiger 
    I thanked strangers jogging today, good for the economy: lower health care costs and higher productivity via better mood.from web

  3. Evan Williamsev 
    Is it possible to sunburn your tounge?from txt

  4. Ben Casnochabencasnocha 
    Which is worse: When "I love you" is over-used or under-used in a relationship / within a family?from web

  5. Heidi Allendreamingspires 
    cats are useless guard dogs. I come in the front door and she can't even be bothered to lift her head off the sofa.from TweetDeck

  6. shel israelshelisrael 
    Thing about Twitter is we get to see people at their best and worst; often simultaneously.from web

  7. sandnsurfsandnsurf 
    I don't have OCD...I have friends who need assistance with filling their I dream up inane tasks taking forever to completefrom web

  8. Paulo Coelhopaulocoelho 
    17/12: nothing is completely wrong. Even a broken watch is right twice a dayfrom web

Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support.