Social Media Related Tweets and Insights

From my Twitter account:

Why Twitter Will Endure: “Twitter is looking more and more like plumbing, and plumbing is eternal” - NYT

Daring to Live Your Life Offline - Refusing to Use the Internet - WSJ. "I don't understand this thing nowadays where people in the same room send each other emails instead of talking" 

"Many users probably spend more time in their web browser than they do in their car" and Google Chrome is faster

History of Fad Diets: William the Conqueror devised an alcohol-only diet in 1087

8.7% of people in the U.S. over the age of 18 have a specific phobia of some kind or other

Stephen Fry quits Twitter, bids farewell to his one million followers

If you spend too much time on Twitter or Facebook, please read this: No Twitter for a week by Matt Cutts

Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.