Why keep blogging on health topics?

Dr. Mike Cadogan, an ER physician and an award-winning medical blogger, in essence asked on Google Buzz: "Why keep blogging on health topics?" See his post and the comments below:

Dr. Mike Cadogan

Some days I worry about being so connected on the web. Some days I feel I should just treat the patient physically in front of me and concentrate the years of contextual learning on the individual consulting me for treatment.

Then I stumble across a pixellated torrent of self-diagnosing, non-contextual, copy-paste tripe (on some website)...

Question: "i am feeling so much…itching in my breast….that i have scratched it and it has converted into a wound….i hav used antiseptic cream also it cured my wound but again i feel itching…plz tell me some solution to get rid of it plz…..and i am so… confused…..plz help me…."

Informed Answer: "If you had breast cancer, you would see and feel a lump (cancerous tumor). You probably just got bit by a bug or something."

...and I feel justified for attempting to join with colleagues in providing open source medical information visually enhanced for contextual learning and iteration...

Ves Dimov, M.D.

Don't make web publishing feel like a job. Slow down. Relax. Enjoy. The work on the web as a physician is extremely important because it provides credible information.

Chris Nickson

I agree - the enormous accessibility of web resources almost makes it a moral imperative to put quality information out there - because, like it or not, people are turning to the web for their information needs.