Peter Yarrow of the musical group Peter, Paul and Mary appeared on the CBS Early Show to sing a song he composed about his own colonoscopy:
In the video below, Dr. Paul Limburg, a Mayo Clinic Gastroenterologist, provides background on colorectal cancer and the screening methods:
In the video below, Dr. Paul Limburg, a Mayo Clinic Gastroenterologist, provides background on colorectal cancer and the screening methods:
Related reading:
Cleveland Clinic Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Tool. Get your score in 2 minutes (free).
Colon cancer and colonoscopy - Cleveland Clinic YouTube playlist
Dr. Oz Has Colon Cancer Scare During Taping of His Colonoscopy for the TV Show
Colon cancer and colonoscopy - Cleveland Clinic YouTube playlist
Dr. Oz Has Colon Cancer Scare During Taping of His Colonoscopy for the TV Show
Fear was the No. 1 reason people gave to explain why they hadn’t gone in for a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. NYTimes.
Get your colonoscopy in the morning - each hour brings a 4% reduction in the number of polyps the doctors spotted
Dr. Oz: What I Learned from My Colon Cancer Scare
Colonoscopy Developer Dies at 94 - NYTimes - Dr. Wolff was unconventional and surely made headlines in his day.
Colonoscopy Developer Dies at 94 - NYTimes - Dr. Wolff was unconventional and surely made headlines in his day.