High deductible health insurance can be bad for your health

See why:

"The individual health insurance policy they bought to replace Janie's group coverage at work has such a high deductible that they've sharply cut back doctor visits, skipping some routine care and going only when absolutely necessary.

Freelancers Janie and Chris Peterson love the freedom of life without a boss. But it comes with a high price -- dwindling savings, erratic cash flow, and a ton of financial anxiety."

Image source: United States one-dollar bill. Wikipedia, public domain.


  1. I would argue that a type of high-deductible insurance plan, one combined with the health savings account (aka known as Consumer Driven Health plan) can indeed save money (both for the consumer and the system), promote meanigful primary care and adhere to evidence-based practices more than traditional insurance accounts that remove the medical consumer from cost-related decision making. The American Academy of Actuaries released a study last year saying as much.


  2. Yep. Especially for those patients in their 40s who have $5,000 deductibles and who do not see their primary care doctor for any screening... It will save them a lot of money...

    Also for the guys in their 50s with the same $5,000 deductible who will never get around to getting a screening colonoscopy. It will be a great saving when they get colon cancer because they skipped screening.

    Meaningful savings indeed.

  3. Yes, that's true. That's why I prefer to go with very secured and trustworthy insurance and not even that too high deductible.
