Taking charge of your toddler's vaccination record is the best way to ensure they don't miss any shots
"In our country, we think the doctor should have all the medical records," said Dr. James McElligott, a pediatrician at the Medical University of South Carolina who worked on the study. "I like the idea of putting the ownership back in Mom's hands and empowering her a little bit."
When parents kept a so-called shot card, their child's odds of being up-to-date on vaccinations rose by more than half.
40 percent of the toddlers had a shot card, and 84 percent of these had up-to-date vaccinations. By contrast, only 79 percent of the children without a card had all their shots.
Use the card: it doesn't have a downside and it's cheap."
Want kids' vaccinations up to date? Keep the record | Reuters, 2010.