The University of Tromsø in Norway - the world's northernmost university - has adopted new recommendations designed to increase the number of female full professors from the current 23% to 30% by 2014.
Women spend longer as Associate Professors than men, partly because “men apply as soon as they think they have a chance of promotion, while women tend to wait until they are very confident”.
The panel developed 13 recommendations, among them:
- re-advertising positions if there are no women in the applicant pool
- ensuring that women receive training in salary negotiation
- assessing research quality rather than quantity
- improving the visibility of women within institutions
- encouraging diversity in leadership style
Women spend longer as Associate Professors than men, partly because “men apply as soon as they think they have a chance of promotion, while women tend to wait until they are very confident”.
The panel developed 13 recommendations, among them:
- re-advertising positions if there are no women in the applicant pool
- ensuring that women receive training in salary negotiation
- assessing research quality rather than quantity
- improving the visibility of women within institutions
- encouraging diversity in leadership style
Promoting women in science and medicine. The Lancet, Volume 376, Issue 9754, Page 1712, 20 November 2010.
Image source:, public domain.