The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Feel free to send your suggestions to my email at Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.
Choosing Wisely - Good Medical Practice or Prelude to Rationing?
From the White Coat blog: “If we want to decrease the amount of “unnecessary” testing, we need to address all of the reasons that such testing is performed. Why doesn’t Choosing Wisely change the preamble of its campaign to include: “The following tests are medically unnecessary and no type of professional or legal liability should ever be imposed upon physicians for failing to order or perform them …”?
The Food Challenge Challenge
Remember: No one "fails" a food challenge. The test is either positive or negative.
Urologist performed his own vasectomy
From A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor: "When I was a med student on my surgery rotation, there was one urologist in our department who had actually performed his own vasectomy. He apparently used local anesthesia and did the procedure with a colleague present in the room "just in case." There were no complications. I dare you to find a female ob/gyn who tied her own tubes."
Science-Based Medicine » Andrew Weil’s Seasonal Supplements
Dr. Wes @doctorwes: In Defense of the American Cowboy
What is a Direct Care practice? and
Ask Skeptical Scalpel: A college student has second thoughts about medical school
Dr. Wes: Out-of-the-Box Thinking on Avoiding Hospital Readmissions. When intent of the measure is to cut payments
Wisdom vs. knowledge
New Obstructive Sleep Apnea Guidelines: What Do They Mean For Your Child? | Craig Canapari, MD
"Allergy Action Plan: Bring The Paperwork To Life" (video)
Choosing Wisely - Good Medical Practice or Prelude to Rationing?
From the White Coat blog: “If we want to decrease the amount of “unnecessary” testing, we need to address all of the reasons that such testing is performed. Why doesn’t Choosing Wisely change the preamble of its campaign to include: “The following tests are medically unnecessary and no type of professional or legal liability should ever be imposed upon physicians for failing to order or perform them …”?
The Food Challenge Challenge
Remember: No one "fails" a food challenge. The test is either positive or negative.
Urologist performed his own vasectomy
From A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor: "When I was a med student on my surgery rotation, there was one urologist in our department who had actually performed his own vasectomy. He apparently used local anesthesia and did the procedure with a colleague present in the room "just in case." There were no complications. I dare you to find a female ob/gyn who tied her own tubes."
Science-Based Medicine » Andrew Weil’s Seasonal Supplements
Dr. Wes @doctorwes: In Defense of the American Cowboy
What is a Direct Care practice? and
Ask Skeptical Scalpel: A college student has second thoughts about medical school
Dr. Wes: Out-of-the-Box Thinking on Avoiding Hospital Readmissions. When intent of the measure is to cut payments
Wisdom vs. knowledge
New Obstructive Sleep Apnea Guidelines: What Do They Mean For Your Child? | Craig Canapari, MD
"Allergy Action Plan: Bring The Paperwork To Life" (video)