The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Feel free to send your suggestions to my email at Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.
Here are this week's top blog posts arranged in 4 broad categories:
Twitter as a new educational medium for doctors
ENT doctor: "Twitter is the best and most efficient way to get started learning from and sharing information"
Social media is a great way to connect with others at scientific meeting and share your personal experiences. The Chest 2012 meeting jumps in the social media pool with both feet and you must join them:
Crowdsourcing Gout (with tweets). Here is how it works according to @RonanTKavanagh: This is why I love learning on Twitter. New drug, limited experience and 4 rheumatologists chipping in:
Health policy: what's on doctors' minds
Dr. Wes is worried about The Growing Culture of Hostile Dependency Toward Caregivers:
The Joys Of Health Insurance Bureaucracy - Dr. Val from the blog Better Health shares her personal experience:
Dr. Wes: The Growing Residency Squeeze: While medical schools have increased their medical school positions by 30%, residency slots have only increased at a much slower rate of 8%
Medical librarian provides a much needed critical look
Online Education Sites: and the Spam Goes on - Laika's MedLibLog from the Netherlands comments on her excellent and always well-referenced blog:
Why Publishing in the NEJM is not the Best Guarantee that Something is True - Laika's MedLibLog
Inner well-being: The glass is half full
Patient-Centerness in Healthcare: Chief Experience Officer at Cleveland Clinic and e-Patient Dave:
Healthcare CIO: After I started farming, my gray hair has disappeared. My optimism and equanimity are peaking...
Here are this week's top blog posts arranged in 4 broad categories:
Twitter as a new educational medium for doctors
ENT doctor: "Twitter is the best and most efficient way to get started learning from and sharing information"
Social media is a great way to connect with others at scientific meeting and share your personal experiences. The Chest 2012 meeting jumps in the social media pool with both feet and you must join them:
Crowdsourcing Gout (with tweets). Here is how it works according to @RonanTKavanagh: This is why I love learning on Twitter. New drug, limited experience and 4 rheumatologists chipping in:
Health policy: what's on doctors' minds
Dr. Wes is worried about The Growing Culture of Hostile Dependency Toward Caregivers:
The Joys Of Health Insurance Bureaucracy - Dr. Val from the blog Better Health shares her personal experience:
Dr. Wes: The Growing Residency Squeeze: While medical schools have increased their medical school positions by 30%, residency slots have only increased at a much slower rate of 8%
Medical librarian provides a much needed critical look
Online Education Sites: and the Spam Goes on - Laika's MedLibLog from the Netherlands comments on her excellent and always well-referenced blog:
Why Publishing in the NEJM is not the Best Guarantee that Something is True - Laika's MedLibLog
Inner well-being: The glass is half full
Patient-Centerness in Healthcare: Chief Experience Officer at Cleveland Clinic and e-Patient Dave:
Healthcare CIO: After I started farming, my gray hair has disappeared. My optimism and equanimity are peaking...