Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Please email your suggestions for inclusion to Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.

Is robotic surgery the “laser” of the 21st century?

A Low-tech Solution to Keep Immunosuppressed Patients Safe: a green ball

Cardiologist: Physicians Beware on the Twittersphere: "I was left at a conversational disadvantage because of the loss of context that is inherent to 140-character interactions on Twitter. This is a complex issue, and surely not suitable for Twitter. Engaging on this medium on this topic was a mistake. I learned from it."

Best article first-author, maybe ever: Taco Monster

Celebrity Actors Who Have Received a Tracheostomy (Catherine Zeta Jones Included) | Fauquier ENT Blog

Productivity tips: TalkTyper and more

Epocrates finally fights back - a review of their iPad app

Here is my PhD thesis, by Dr. Bertalan Meskó: “Two weeks ago, my childhood dream became true and I finished PhD therefore becoming a medical geneticist.”

If you’re going to purchase a medical ebook, go through the Kindle app (more flexibility and less buyers remorse)

Chronic Disease and Social Networks