Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles related to healthcare social media (#HCSM) in the past 4-6 weeks:

An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists: In academia, there is often a stigma attached to online activities.

Twitter helps busy academics keep up with new research, and prepare teaching materials for graduate students. An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists: Online Visibility Helps Track and Improve Scientific Metrics. Researcher: Tweeting and blogging about papers leads to spikes in the number of article downloads

Giving a TED presentation has no impact on the number of citations subsequently received by an academic

YouTube: A good source of information on pediatric tonsillectomy? Physician videos useful while many patient videos were "misleading" (study)

Parents of patients with rare diseases are active Internet users, engaged in search and online communities

"It would be weird to have that on Facebook": young people's opinion on use of social media for sexual health campaign

Workers in the emergency department (ED) spent 4-19 minutes per hour on Facebook?

How to Use Social Networks for "Toxicovigilance"

Display of Alcohol Use on Facebook: 6.5% of pictures and 2.90% of status updates

New Parents' Facebook Use: For mothers, more frequent visits were associated with higher levels of parenting stress

Social media use among patients/caregivers: positive conclusions are often reported, despite non-significant findings

It’s not terribly surprising that American physicians adopt Twitter sooner that doctors in the rest of the world. Twitter, MD: the average US physician has 2,697 followers whereas the average European has 3,062. Europeans doctors tweet an average of 3 times per day, while their American colleagues only tweet once per day

Canadian Medical Association's 20-page report on health information technology mentions Twitter only once... (PDF)

"The use of social media within healthcare will become the norm"

Scientists who interacted with journalists had higher h-indices, as did those whose work was mentioned on Twitter

The articles were selected from my Twitter and RSS streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.