Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles related to healthcare social media (#HCSM) in the past 2-4 weeks:
15 Lessons from 15 Years of Blogging: Link to everything you create elsewhere on the web. And if possible, save a copy of it on your own blog. Things disappear so quickly, and even important work can slip your mind months or years later when you want to recall it. If it's in one, definitive place, you'll be glad for it.
Always write with the idea that what you're sharing will live for months and years and decades. Having a long-term perspective in mind is an incredibly effective tool for figuring out whether a topic is meaningful or not, and for encouraging a kinder, more thoughtful perspective.
Your blog can change your life in a month. If you want to understand an idea, or become a meaningful voice on a topic, or change your own thinking about a concept, write a little bit about it every day for a month.
Too many crying babies: a systematic review of pain management practices during immunizations on YouTube
Unprofessional behavior is prevalent among surgical residents who use Facebook (study)
Support network: People discussing their weight loss are happier with Twitter (more support, less negativity) than Facebook and in-person relationships
A Facebook teaching forum was set up in a London Hospital for undergraduate medical students: 92% approved
Why Wikipedia matters for healthcare: it dominates search results for medical information - BMJ
YouTube as a source of patient information for lumbar discectomy.
The Anatomy of a Scientific Rumor
Email Alerts Services You Should Use
Are You Tweeting Your Marriage Away? Time spent on social media can create friction in relationships (study)
Twitter: an opportunity for public health campaigns : The Lancet
Do you "like" my photo? Facebook use may increase eating disorder risk
Cleveland Clinic has a blog for patients - Health Hub and a blog for physicians - Consult QD
The articles were selected from Twitter @DrVes and RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
15 Lessons from 15 Years of Blogging: Link to everything you create elsewhere on the web. And if possible, save a copy of it on your own blog. Things disappear so quickly, and even important work can slip your mind months or years later when you want to recall it. If it's in one, definitive place, you'll be glad for it.
Always write with the idea that what you're sharing will live for months and years and decades. Having a long-term perspective in mind is an incredibly effective tool for figuring out whether a topic is meaningful or not, and for encouraging a kinder, more thoughtful perspective.
Your blog can change your life in a month. If you want to understand an idea, or become a meaningful voice on a topic, or change your own thinking about a concept, write a little bit about it every day for a month.
Too many crying babies: a systematic review of pain management practices during immunizations on YouTube
Unprofessional behavior is prevalent among surgical residents who use Facebook (study)
Support network: People discussing their weight loss are happier with Twitter (more support, less negativity) than Facebook and in-person relationships
A Facebook teaching forum was set up in a London Hospital for undergraduate medical students: 92% approved
Why Wikipedia matters for healthcare: it dominates search results for medical information - BMJ
YouTube as a source of patient information for lumbar discectomy.
The Anatomy of a Scientific Rumor
Email Alerts Services You Should Use
Are You Tweeting Your Marriage Away? Time spent on social media can create friction in relationships (study)
Twitter: an opportunity for public health campaigns : The Lancet
Do you "like" my photo? Facebook use may increase eating disorder risk
Cleveland Clinic has a blog for patients - Health Hub and a blog for physicians - Consult QD
The articles were selected from Twitter @DrVes and RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.