
Medical News

It pays off to be optimistic after all - Happiness May Bring Better Health according to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and WebMD.

It looks like Resynchronizing Ventricular Contraction in Heart Failure and ICD is the way to go for selected patients with CHF. The right-side only pacemakers worsen prognosis in CHF. The challenge is to place the LV lead in the correct position, passing through the coronary sinus which has different anatomical variants. It looks like they will be an even bigger demand for EP cardiologists. Source: NEJM.

Well-Done Grilled Meat Causes Cancer (as per NY Times) - bad news for all grill enthusiasts out there.

According to CDC, the correct way to sneeze is in your elbow...(via ABC)

The correct way to sneeze (source:

Oddly enough: A study of penis sizes in different countries around the world. Who provides funding for this type of research?
Source: Reuters

The Mirage of Multitasking
So much about multitasking... A survey done by TNS Research and commissioned by Hewlett Packard showed a drop in IQ when people are distracted by phone calls, e-mails and text messages. If you do some work and check messages or anything else at the same time, your IQ falls by 10 points. This is the equivalent of missing a whole night's sleep and more than double the 4-point fall seen after smoking marijuana.
Source: CNN

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