
Do It Yourself EMR (Electronic Medical Records)

The introduction of EMR is slow because of cost, lack of a common industry-wide standard and other issues.

Last week, the AMA launched the iHealthRecord website which lets patients save their medical history online for free. The physicians are charged $ 25 per month to access their patients' information.

(Via Wash Post)

Update 3/22/2007:
EHRs Fix Everything - and Nine Other Myths. Family Practice Management, 2007.

More resources:
Doctors Slowly Going Digital With Records - Wash Post 05/05
EMR, the new threat to your medical privacy.
How Doctors Can Use Evernote As A Professional Memory Accessible Anywhere, Part 2: Using Evernote as an Electronic Health Record (EHR). EfficientMD, 08/2008.
Debate: Do Electronic Health Records Help or Hinder Medical Education? PLoS Medicine:
Medical Malpractice Liability in the Age of Electronic Health Records - NEJM, 2010


  1. I think that there are two views points to be considered when strongly advocating the use of EMR in practices. For a Doctor it needs to easy to use and save time so that more time can be spend on the patient. Currently we have many vendors with different types of EMR that are so hard to use that it simply puts them off. I think healthcare technology companies need to develop product after regular interaction with doctors to ensure that they provide just what is required. At binaryspectrum we have developed our healthcare solutions after spending countless number of hours with doctors to ensure that its work flow is kept simple and intuitive. This is then followed up with a period of Beta testing in real time environment before it is offered as a product in the market.

  2. I work for a company called Practice Fusion, and I’d like to clear up a few things about Electronic Medical Records.
    There is a lot of skepticism surrounding the security and quality of EMRs, especially applications that are free and web-based. Costly applications want you to believe that you must pay for quality. However, there are many high-quality and free, web-based applications out there. Google Apps. is just one example. I can honestly say that we deliver the best product and support at absolutely no cost, and with no on-site implementation. And that is why we are one of the fastest growing physician practice communities in the United States. We have outstanding technical support, and we pride ourselves on our “Live in Five” process which allows us to get users started within five minutes of calling. If you are interested in learning more about Practice Fusion, you can check out our free EMR. Also, take a look at what others have to say about us at ZD Net, and Fierce Health IT
    If you prefer, we invite you can visit the website and take a demo with a Practice Fusion team member Give us a call at 415-346-7700.

  3. Wow, 5 years ago, EMR is still on it's introduction, ahhh, the memories.

    TBD within 2 weeks
