"Where can you watch a robotic cockroach crawl across the floor, take a virtual tour of the Alamo, and interview an accident victim whose ability to grasp and swing a tennis racquet was restored by an implanted medical device?
All will be at the sixth annual Research ShowCASE next week (updated: this week) in the Veale Convocation Center at Case Western Reserve University. The event opens with "The Longevity Revolution: Maintaining Excellence," a two-and-a-half-hour symposium on healthy aging featuring Dr. Michael Roizen, the Cleveland Clinic's chief wellness officer and a best-selling author.
The showcase hosts 560 displays that explain research projects ranging from "Is There Any Correlation Between the Prevalence of Brain Attacks and Age?" to "SoftWorm -- A Soft, Biology-Inspired Worm-Like Robot" to "Bat Intelligence."
My colleagues and I are presenting 7 posters this year and 3 of them are focused on the use of Web 2.0 in medicine (2 are linked below):
The New England Journal of Medicine Image Challenge and the Concept of Wisdom of Crowds
This is a simple idea that started on this blog:

The New England Journal of Medicine Image Challenge "provides an opportunity for you to use the clinical images from NEJM to test your diagnostic skills.
In August 2007, I calculated the percentage of correct answers and the number of responses per question from all the images available on the NEJM website at the time. The results showed that there were on average 8,300 responses per question and the "crowd" solved correctly only 69% of the image challenges.
The comments below the blog post addressed some of the limitations of the data analysis.
Podcast As A Medical Education Tool In An Internal Medicine Residency Program
This project is spearheaded by my colleague and friend Dr. Moises Auron and it will involve the internal medicine residency program at Cleveland Clinic. The podcast selection is in part based on my list of Top 5 Medical Podcasts I Listen To. See the video of Dr. Auron discussing the project with a Plain Dealer reporter: Live from ShowCASE: Web 2.0.
We covered other Web 2.0 topics last year -- see Web 2.0 in Medicine Presentations at Research ShowCASE in Cleveland.
As you can see, a blog can be an educational and research portfolio, serving as a springboard for projects and research ideas.
ShowCASE at Case Western Reserve University to highlight research projects. The Plain Dealer.
NEJM Image Challenge and (Lack of) Wisdom of Crowds
Using a Blog to Build an Educational Portfolio
Becoming a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Web 2.0 Projects
Image source: Case Western Reserve University campus, Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License.
Video: Research ShowCASE innovations take center stage today. The Plain Dealer, 04/2008.
Photos: Medical residents from Cleveland present posters at Research ShowCase, 04/2008.
Updated: 04/17/2008