The Case of the Week series features a different article from Clinical Cases and Images each week:
Bloody Ascites and Gas Under the Diaphragm
A 39 yo African American male (AAM) with a history of new onset ascites 1 week ago, cirrhosis, and end stage renal disease on hemodialysis (ESRD on HD) is admitted to the hospital from the HD unit after he was found to have fever of 39 C.
A previous CXR from 5 days ago (left); the new CXR (middle); air/fluid level close-up (right) (click to enlarge the images).
He had an ultrasound (U/S) guided paracentesis during which 700 cc of bloody fluid were drained.
What is the cause of Bloody Ascites and Gas Under the Diaphragm?
Read more at Clinical Cases and Images.
Keep the feedback coming -- we are listening to you
You can use any comment section under any post or article to submit feedback. All comments are emailed to the editor immediately after you hit the "submit" button. Keep the feedback coming. We are listening to you and our goal is to make the Clinical Cases and Images as useful as possible to all readers around the world.
Submit your own case
Do not forget to use the online form to submit your own case for consideration and inclusion in this collaborative resource which has become the most popular free online case-based curriculum of clinical medicine. You will be credited as an author with each case you submit.
Starting "Case of the Week" Series in Response to Reader Requests. Clinical Cases and Images - Blog, Nov 2008.
Clinical Cases and Images: About Us.
Complete List of Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms.
Bloody Ascites and Gas Under the Diaphragm
A 39 yo African American male (AAM) with a history of new onset ascites 1 week ago, cirrhosis, and end stage renal disease on hemodialysis (ESRD on HD) is admitted to the hospital from the HD unit after he was found to have fever of 39 C.
A previous CXR from 5 days ago (left); the new CXR (middle); air/fluid level close-up (right) (click to enlarge the images).
He had an ultrasound (U/S) guided paracentesis during which 700 cc of bloody fluid were drained.
What is the cause of Bloody Ascites and Gas Under the Diaphragm?
Read more at Clinical Cases and Images.
Keep the feedback coming -- we are listening to you
You can use any comment section under any post or article to submit feedback. All comments are emailed to the editor immediately after you hit the "submit" button. Keep the feedback coming. We are listening to you and our goal is to make the Clinical Cases and Images as useful as possible to all readers around the world.
Submit your own case
Do not forget to use the online form to submit your own case for consideration and inclusion in this collaborative resource which has become the most popular free online case-based curriculum of clinical medicine. You will be credited as an author with each case you submit.
Starting "Case of the Week" Series in Response to Reader Requests. Clinical Cases and Images - Blog, Nov 2008.
Clinical Cases and Images: About Us.
Complete List of Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms.