Selection of My Twitter Favorites, Edition 24

Twitter is a microblogging service where people answer the question "What are you doing?" via 140-character messages from their cellphone, laptop or desktop. You can select the messages you find useful, amusing, or both. Here is the 24th edition of My Twitter Favorites (the oldest post is at the bottom, the newest at the top):

scanman I've wasted 207,270 Seconds or 3,455 Minutes or 57.58 Hours or 2.4 Days with 6,909 Tweets on Twitter!
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes What's the definite key to a medical blog success? CCO = Commitment, consistency and openness.
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes Yes, you can: An Twitter interview in 140 characters (or less) about The Future of Medicine
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes You will never feel the same about eating bacon after you see this picture:
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes Good to know when to give up: Coconut Breaking Fail
wheezemd Back in Memphis-delayed 6 hours as the original pilot got a spider bite and they had to fly another pilot to Nashville for our flight
doczak Show me a doctor whose wife is happy, and I'll show you a man who's neglecting his practice!
Bertalan Meskó
Berci Recently, I've realized I cannot deal with the amount of information of 600 Twitterers so I've been living on filter services for days.
Joshua Schwimmer
KidneyNotes The new Gmail SMS feature is great for communicating with front desk staff. (Mine all text message.)
gruntdoc Zimbabwe introduces $500 million note - Zimbabwe introduces $500 million note - That must sound..
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer @fredwilson It was fun meeting Fred for the first time at LeWeb. We looked at each other and had nothing to say because we read each other.
John Battelle
johnbattelle Sometime this weekend Twitter will hit 5000 mark for me. I am honored to be seen as worthy by this many in so short a time. Thanks.
John Battelle
johnbattelle My Facebook page has become way more interesting since my tweets became my Fbook updates. Lots of comments from FB pals
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes Are you wasting your life online?
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes 3 reasons a doctor’s job can never be automated: false positives, false negatives, incidental findings
David Bradley
sciencebase @AllergyNotes You can backup selectively with, seems to work well.
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes My 3,000 tweets made a 262-page Microsoft Word document. Ran the whole text through to look for patterns. Will publish the graph.
Ves Dimov, M.D.
AllergyNotes Managed to backup my Twitter account with 3,000 tweets manually. Went to page 153 and worked back from there. Pasted in G Docs (7 files),
Lance Armstrong
lancearmstrong - A guy asked me to sign this book. I asked if his dog chewed it. Answer: "no, that's from shrapnel when I got b ...

Micro-blogging on Twitter is easy, fun and can be very useful and educational if you follow/subscribe to interesting people.

You can read more here: A Doctor's Opinion: Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter and
visit my account at Twitter/AllergyNotes.