- Why Google Reader Might be the Missing Link in Your Social Media Workflow http://bit.ly/13SpbK
- Reasons why blogging is still important to professionals http://bit.ly/RzhW
- "The free ride that's killing the news business. Copyright law change: prevent blogs from undercutting newspapers by freely lifting stories gathered at a hefty cost" http://bit.ly/bMhbr -- Quote 5 Words From the Associated Press? That’ll Be $12.50 http://bit.ly/rhKiD
- HOW TO: Customize Your YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/2QJFdn
- 50 Viral Images (and how they spread) http://bit.ly/PVILt and part 2 http://bit.ly/5nQVN
- 19 Reasons You Should Blog And Not Just Tweet http://bit.ly/nCFzd -- How To Successfully Integrate Blogging Into Your Busy Life http://bit.ly/L4sjW
- Facebook and MySpace can lead children to commit suicide, warns the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales http://bit.ly/19Fr4v
- How to Create Navigation Buttons for your Blog Hosted by Blogger.com/Google http://bit.ly/iYagS -- Web Page Screen Resolution Simulator: see your web page in different screen resolutions. http://bit.ly/16KcGu
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