- CNN: 'Mommy bloggers' are fighting the backlash against their profession http://bit.ly/VMvRZ - 'Mommy blogger' is a profession?... :)
- What Comes First for You: Internet or Breakfast? http://bit.ly/c15lT
- Bloglines On Life Support http://bit.ly/fOl0m - It was the first RSS reader I tried. It is still superior to Google Reader in some aspects.
- "Student is the teacher in more ways than one." http://bit.ly/2j5H1Q
- Jeff Jarvis posts about his newly-diagnosed prostate cancer and the treatments options he considered http://bit.ly/LSfJj
- The path to a better monetized MayoClinic.com with ads, premium content did not work http://bit.ly/tDCuH
- Izea, an advertising network, has begun paying Twitter users for sending sponsored tweets to their followers. Izea ads on Twitter: A Twitter user with 10,000 followers could make $25 to $35 per commercial tweet. http://bit.ly/oKPzn
- Twitter is like DOS - limiting and rudimentary. Yet, Twitter is the where the audience is right now and that's why many people use it. Not the only reason, of course.
- Twitter’s platform shortcomings, by Scoble http://bit.ly/1ylyC - You really must read this for multiple reasons going well beyond Twitter.
- Calacanis: The Case Against Apple–in Five Parts http://bit.ly/VTEFf and the antithesis http://bit.ly/2nPGtn
- Text messaging etiquette tips http://bit.ly/ZIKIb
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.