12 Health and Safety Tips for the Holidays by CDC

From CDC:

  1. Wash hands often to keep yourself from spreading germs and getting sick.

  2. Bundle up to stay dry and warm.

  3. Manage stress. Don't over-commit yourself and keep holiday spending in check.

  4. Don't drink and drive or let others drink and drive.

  5. Be smoke-free. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke.

  6. Fasten seat belts while driving or riding in a motor vehicle. Always buckle your child in the car using a child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt.

  7. Get exams and screenings. Ask your doctor or nurse what exams you need and when to get them.

  8. Get your vaccinations, which help prevent diseases and save lives.

  9. Monitor the children. Keep potentially dangerous toys, food, drinks, household items, and other objects out of kids' reach.

  10. Practice fire safety. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, so be careful to never leave fireplaces, space heaters, stoves, or candles unattended.

  11. Prepare food safely. Remember these simple steps: wash hands and surfaces often, avoid cross-contamination, cook foods to proper temperatures, and refrigerate promptly.

  12. Eat healthy, and get moving. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Limit your portion sizes and foods high in fat and sugar. Be active for at least 2½ hours a week and help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day.

This is some excellent advice that all of us must follow.
Worldwide, 40% of children, 33% of male non-smokers, 35% of female non-smokers are exposed to second-hand smoke http://goo.gl/xFGef
Image source: picturestation.net, free license.