Social Media Related Tweets and Insights

From my Twitter account:

"Content farms" create massive amounts of niche, mostly uninspired content targeted to search engines -- Social media creating "useless" content: "Content farms vs. curating farmers", if you can follow that...

Review: Amazon Kindle 2, one year later

Picture of the Week: How genetics works

94 videos of the LeWeb 2009 sessions

Quotes from Twitter:

intueri intueri Compliment of the day: "You're the most sane psychiatrist I ever met."

Westby Fisher, MD doctorwes Patient rounds in the era of social media: "So, doctor, have you written anything else on your blog that I don't agree with today?"

Bryan Vartabedian Doctor_V Inpatient clinical service and social media are mutually exclusive

Heidi Allen dreamingspires Dear cat: I have not been put on the planet for the sole purpose of looking after you. Surprising but true.

shel israel shelisrael Back from a wintry walk on Chicago streets. It reminded me of 3 top reasons I moved from Boston: 1. December 2. January 3. February

Paulo Coelho paulocoelho C.C.: nobody can make you feel bad without your permission. Never give it

Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.