Initial concerns over Spiriva (tiotropium) effect on cardiovascular death may be unfounded http://bit.ly/8RcJpU
Paclitaxel-eluting stents should no longer be used in everyday clinical practice. The Lancet, 2010 http://bit.ly/6OUgnH
Identification of bacteria with DNA microarray was sensitive, specific, faster than gold-standard culture-based method. DNA-based microarray assay could enable faster and earlier evidence-based management for clinical sepsis http://bit.ly/5K1PEd
Driveways could spread toxins into the home - carcinogens found in coal tar–sealed pavements http://bit.ly/8m1K6f
55 Million Americans Already Had H1N1 Swine Flu According to CDC http://bit.ly/88t9RD
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