Collecting family history predicts cancer risk better than 23andMe genetic testing, according to a recent study from the Cleveland Clinic:
As you're sharing fond family memories, don't forget to bring up family health history -- it's the best gift you can give. Dr. Charis Eng comments on a study she led looking at the important role of family history in predicting future disease risk. Whole genome sequencing fails to predict risk of most common diseases, according to BMJ. Here is the Family Health Portrait Tool by the U.S. Surgeon General:
Related reading
Beware the fortune tellers peddling genetic tests - BMJ
Family History and Personal Genetic Risk Assessments: A Perspective on the Cleveland Clinic Study.
FDA panel: genetic testing should not be available directly to consumers without what amounts to a "prescription". WebMD, 2011. Genetic testing is available for approximately 2000 clinical conditions - Preparing for Precision Medicine - NEJM, 2012. How to talk to patients about genetic testing
FDA: 23andMe Genetic Testing Product is Misbranded
Comments from Twitter
@23andMe: See our perspective of Cleveland Clinic study - - bottom line is 2 aren't the same, so can't compare h2h. Also, we agree that family history is a very important piece, and believe it complements detailed genetic info.