Gambling opportunities have expanded around the world and consequently gambling disorders (pathological gambling and problem gambling) have received increased attention.
Gambling disorders affect 0.2-5.3% of adults. They are highly comorbid with other mental health and substance use disorders.
Several treatment approaches have been favorably evaluated:
- cognitive behavioral models
- brief treatment models
- pharmacological interventions
Although promising, family therapy and support from Gamblers Anonymous are less well empirically supported.
Gambling disorders. The Lancet, Volume 378, Issue 9806, Pages 1874 - 1884, 26 November 2011.
Image source: United States one-dollar bill. Wikipedia, public domain.
Gambling disorders affect 0.2-5.3% of adults. They are highly comorbid with other mental health and substance use disorders.
Several treatment approaches have been favorably evaluated:
- cognitive behavioral models
- brief treatment models
- pharmacological interventions
Although promising, family therapy and support from Gamblers Anonymous are less well empirically supported.
Gambling disorders. The Lancet, Volume 378, Issue 9806, Pages 1874 - 1884, 26 November 2011.
Image source: United States one-dollar bill. Wikipedia, public domain.