Johns Hopkins and Other Medical Podcasts

Johns Hopkins Medicine has a health podcast which is described as "a lively discussion of the week'’s medical news and how it may affect you."

The five-minute podcast features Rick Lange, M.D. who is the chief of clinical cardiology, and the director of the Hopkins radio news service.

eWeek features other prominent medical podcasts:

- The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, and Nature all have podcasts that summarize the contents of their most recent issues

- The Arizona Heart Institute offers audio and video podcasts focused on cardiology on

- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a podcast that gives consumers tips on obtaining the best medical care

- The National Institutes of Health has an unofficial podcast covering major research developments. The podcast blog is hosted on (where else?) Blogger/Blogspot.

As mentioned before on this website, The Cleveland Clinic has a video podcast called HealthEdge.

Podcasting for Your Health. eWeek, January 20, 2006.
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Image source: Johns Hopkins