Nominate Best Medical Blogs of 2006

The nominations for the Best Medical Blogs of 2006 are currently underway on

There is a new voting system this year:

"Please meet the judges: Medgadget editorial staff is joined by Sumer from Sumer's Radiology Site, Josh from Kidney Notes, Enoch from Tech Medicine, Maria from Intueri, Orac from Respectful Insolence, Steven from docinthemachine, Bard from A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure, Amy from Diabetes Mine and Allen from GruntDoc. Judges will conduct a review of each blog submitted and will vote to sort out those blogs that don't belong to a particular category, or simply splogs (spam blogs.) Furthermore, judges will vote for blogs. Your votes and judges' votes are counted as 50% to 50%. Such a voting system was held at a recent TV show Dancing with the Stars, and details on how the counting was done can be found here."

The Best Medical Blogs of 2005 on
Image sources: Medgadget


  1. How medical does the blog have to be?

    How old or number of post does the blog have to have?

    Do the blogs that do not win get any recognition?

    When does the balloting begin and end?

  2. OldDude59:
    You can find the details for the 2006 competition here:

  3. Ves,

    Hands down - yours is the best overall medical blog.


  4. Thanks, Dean. I am happy to think that this blog is one of the many good medical blogs out there... It is important to keep the online conversation going and this is probably the most significant thing, not the individual blog of any of us.
