Clinical Cases and Images - Blog is a finalist in 2 categories. Feel free to vote for this blog if you enjoy reading it:
Vote for Best Clinical Sciences Weblog
Vote for Best Medical Technologies/Informatics Weblog
In the category of Best Clinical Sciences Weblog, there is a similar late surge every year. This blog usually leads by a small margin until a day or two before the poll closes. Then, the tele-radiologist Sumer mobilizes a large number of supporters and wins by a margin of 100-200 votes. In any case, CasesBlog is honored to be a finalist in this venerable competition and everybody involved is planning to enjoy the process just as we do every year.
GruntDoc had a revolutionary idea in 2005: "I say we forget the online voting, all meet at a neutral site, and thumb-wrestle for the winner."
Update 01/23/2007:
Medgadget announces the winners of 2007 Medical Weblog Awards.
Dr. A Show 21: Wrap-up. Doctor Anonymous, 01/2008.
2006 Medical Weblog Awards: Polls Are Open
The Best Medical Blogs of 2005 on Medgadget.com
Updated: 01/23/2008