Video: Teaching With Twitter

David Parry, a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, talks about using Twitter for his courses.

Mini-ideas in 140 characters or less

Twitter is an interesting service that I use daily to share links and mini-ideas. My account is here:

Although I am still working on trying to figure out how to use it best for medical education, I do enjoy the short updates from the 40 or so people I follow.

For some sample posts, please see:

Selection of My Twitter Favorites, Edition 2

Selection of My Twitter Favorites, Edition 1

Is Twitter time- and cost-effective?

Most students, residents and fellows are busy as it is, and many do not have enough funds to afford cell phone plans with unlimited (or high number) text messages. Checking the Twitter website from a desktop/laptop takes up a lot of time. A reasonable compromise is visiting the Twitter mobile interface from a cell phone browser but that requires a data plan.

Twitter is easy to use and free from the Internet interface. Why don't you give it a try, you may like it:

Video: Twitter in Plain English by CommonCraft.

A Doctor's Opinion: Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter
Allergists Can Use Twitter Microblogging Service to Send Patient Reminders
Text messaging can help young people manage asthma