Before you recommend wine for CV risk reduction, consider this: 1 in 5 men at risk of drinking problem

Compared with non-drinkers, men who consumed wine, beer, or spirits had a 36% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 34% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality.

Before you recommend wine for CV risk reduction, consider this:

  • One in five men at risk of drinking problem during their lifetimes

  • Women have an 8 to 10 percent chance of becoming dependent on alcohol during their lifetimes

  • Men have 15% lifetime risk for alcohol abuse, 10% risk for alcohol dependence. "Each cuts your life short by 10-15 years."

  • Heavy drinking increases risk of depression by 40%, and 80% of people dependent on alcohol are smokers

One in five men at risk of drinking problem. Reuters, 10/2009.
Drinking Alcohol Daily Seems to Cut the Risk for Coronary Artery Disease the Most
Taking Up Moderate Drinking in Middle Age Decreases Cardiovascular Risk
Medical News: Exercise and Alcohol Effect on Health
A glass of wine daily may prolong life. How you can you predict which patient will have a bottle daily though?
Image source:, public domain.